The show has a Sprout Diner snack, Bob's Build Me Up Berry Shake, and Greg Proops reprised his role as the titular character. It also aired during The Super Sproutlet Show and later the unbranded block at 5PM ET.
It aired at 6:30 and 8AM ET when Sprout launched, and later aired at 9AM ET when The Sunny Side Up Show launched, 8:30 during Wiggly Waffle, and 5PM ET during The Sprout Sharing Show, and later at 3:30 ET. Alongside it, Project Build It and Ready, Steady, Build! aired. The original series aired until January 23, 2015.
Before that, they released it on Comcast On-Demand. The show premiered on September 26, 2005, along with several other shows, to celebrate the launch of the Sprout network. Most importantly, they always show that The Fun Is In Getting It Done!' ( link) For Parents 'Is your child a fire truck fanatic or a bulldozer enthusiast? Plan a visit to see one in person!' Characters Bob and the Can-Do Crew demonstrate the power of positive- thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and follow-through.
'Can We Build It? Yes We Can! Bob the Builder and his machine team are ready to tackle any project.